
Enterprise-level hardware, software, systems, and network infrastructure that provide underlying support for institutional activities.

Categories (8)

Data Center and Colocation Services

The Northwestern University Data Center offers on-campus hosting services for enterprise-scale systems; colocation services for schools and business units; and customized hyperscale data center solutions designed uniquely for high-performance research computing demands. Our highly reliable and purposefully designed data center offers schools, departments, and researchers premium performance for speed-sensitive applications.

Database Administration

Northwestern provides central database hosting and management for a variety of database technologies. This includes the databases used underneath the central enterprise platforms as well as individual databases used as part of an application stack.

Monitoring and Alert Management

Services to oversee the performance and health of University applications, and to respond to alerts or issues associated with them.

Network Management

Includes tools that help gather information about and manage the network infrastructure.

Network Connectivity

Secure access to University systems and services from on- or off-campus locations.

Server Management

Provisioning, hosting, and administration of servers, both physical and virtual.

Cloud Services

Public Cloud services for applications, servers, and storage.

Integration Services

Central enterprise automation service offerings help provide automated systems interactions that include simple to complex job scheduling and file transfer.