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Connecting to eduroam on Windows

Root Certification Authorities.        Select Authentication Method: Secured Password (EAP-MSCHAP v2).          Click Configure Uncheck Automatically use my Windows Logon name

Connecting to eduroam on Windows Phone

You should be able to connect automatically to the eduroam Wireless Network with (i.e., if your NetID is abc123, then you would enter as the

Eduroam CAT Installer for Windows

If you are experiencing issues connecting to eduroam please use the following installer to automatically configure your device to connect to eduroam.   Forget or delete any listed eduroam

Installing a security certificate for eduroam Wireless on Windows

nu-eduroam.cer ... This document explains how to install a security certificate for the eduroam wireless on a Windows PC.   Download the security certificate. Open the downloaded security certificate and

Connecting to eduroam on macOS

Certificate window may appear if this is the first time you are connecting to the eduroam wireless network. If this is the case, you must verify that the certificate is valid before you connect. Click

Connecting to eduroam on Ubuntu

nu-eduroam.cer ... You should be able to connect automatically to the eduroam network with your NetID and NetID password through your Network Preferences on Ubuntu. If you are not prompted to connect, you can manually

Connecting to eduroam on Chromebook

nu-eduroam.cer ... eduroam-chromebook ... You should be able to connect automatically to the eduroam Wireless Network with (i.e., if your NetID is abc123, then you would enter as the

Connecting to eduroam on Android

nu-eduroam.cer ... eduroam-android ... You should be able to connect automatically to the eduroam Wireless Network with (i.e., if your NetID is abc123, then you would enter as the

Eduroam CAT Installer for iOS

If you are experiencing issues connecting to eduroam please use the following installer to automatically configure your device to connect to eduroam.   Forget or delete any listed eduroam

Eduroam CAT Installer for Linux

If you are experiencing issues connecting to eduroam please use the following installer to automatically configure your device to connect to eduroam.   Forget or delete any listed eduroam

eduroam - Northwestern's Wireless Network

eduroam is the campus wireless network at Northwestern. Northwestern participates in eduroam (education roaming), a secure federated wireless network for the international research and education

Troubleshooting connection issues with eduroam Wireless on Windows after a NetID password change

Wi-Fi in the left panel, then click Manage Wi-Fi Settings. Under Manage Known Networks, select eduroam, then click Forget. Windows 8.1 Press the Windows key, then type cmd into the

Eduroam CAT Installer for MacOS

If you are experiencing issues connecting to eduroam please use the following installer to automatically configure your device to connect to eduroam.   Forget or delete any listed eduroam

Eduroam CAT Installer for Android

If you are experiencing issues connecting to eduroam please use the following installer to automatically configure your device to connect to eduroam.   Forget or delete any listed eduroam

Preventing frequent disconnections from eduroam Wireless on macOS

for keychain access. In the top-right corner of the Keychain Access window, search for netauth2. Double-click the certificate, twist the Trust triangle down to open its options, and select the