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Understanding the GL074 Financial Summary Report in Cognos Analytics

Use the GL074 Financial Summary to see chart strings filtered by Management Level, Project Purpose, and/or Manager/Reviewer. This report resembles the GL070, with the addition of management levels

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is a secure, Cloud-based chat and group collaborative workspace that seamlessly integrates with other Microsoft 365 applications, including Exchange, OneDrive, and SharePoint. ... . Using Teams, you can check who is online and start a chat, schedule a meeting with the whole team, or manage projects using Microsoft Planner—a project management platform which enables users to create

Cannot login to myHR Learn

Access myHR Learn for training and classes. The myHR Learn platform (not the same application as myHR) is accessible to active students, staff, and faculty at Northwestern University. The direct

Quest User Support

Research Computing Service’s computational specialists and student consultants are happy to help Quest users with troubleshooting issues on Quest that do not require a consultation. Features and

Northwestern Print: How to Send a Fax

​​View the Northwestern Print Fax video to learn more about using the fax features and the Print Locations Map to find devices where fax is available.  ​Fax Instructions   ​Log in to the

NUFinancials: Purchasing Options at NU

. IMPORTANT NOTE Corporate Cards cannot be used in iBuyNU or for non-catalog (NUFinancials) orders   Additional Resources Procurement and Payment Services http

Canvas Information for Graduating Students

) or right-click the file and select Extract All (PC Users). Open the expanded folder and view your assignment submissions by course.

Consultation and Support

include: Data Awareness and Reporting Learn about data that is available through the Administrative Enterprise Data Warehouse (Admin-EDW) and how to use it. Employ best practices for

User Authentication and Authorization via Web Single Sign-On

(Single Sign-on) cookie. If the cookie is not present, the user is redirected to the AM server and asked to login. Upon successful login, the user is redirected back to the original URL. The

NUFinancials: Creating a Cash Receipt Ticket Training Guide

search for a CRT? Click Find an Existing Value and enter your choice of search values. Search for a CRT using one or more of the following values: Your NetID The NetID of the creator The

Activating and Logging into your Zoom account for NMH, Lurie, & SRA Lab Users

If you have an,, or an email address, please use the following steps to log into your Northwestern Zoom account. When prompted to enter your email address

Review Activity on ChartField1 and Program Code in NUFinancials

This guide explains what ChartField1 and Program Code values are and how to use them to track activity in NUFinancials.   ChartField1 and Program... are a means to track expenses and

Checking Processor and Memory Utilization for Jobs on Quest

cores. The number reported for Maximum resident set size will inform you about how much RAM your task has used at most. Since the example program is using MPI parallelization with 10 tasks and one task

Bulk User Enrollment Request Form

Managers of custom course sites can request to have users added to the course site in bulk to facilitate the course enrollment process. This service is only available for use in custom Canvas course sites (not CAESAR-based courses). ... sites (not CAESAR-based courses).  When users are added to a course site via the bulk enrollment process, the user is automatically enrolled in the course site, and they will see it in their Canvas

Working with themes in NUsites

Northwestern University branding, you can use the Northwestern (Global) theme. This theme aligns with the branding guidelines set by the Northwestern University department of Global Marketing and