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New Teams Request Form Guide

NOTE -- this form is for requesting a new team in Microsoft Teams.   It's not for requesting a new user account in Microsoft Teams.   All full time students, faculty and staff are licensed for Teams

Creating a CAESAR GuestID

that you contact them to provide the GuestID and password.   Keywords: "Guest ID" guest parent access "set up" make Created: 2016-04-01 16:01:55 Updated: 2020-04-09 21:17:57

NUFinancials Approval Process: Actuals Journals

This guide for approving NUFinancials actuals journals is designed to be used by those with the Approver role.   IMPORTANT NOTES If one journal line cannot be approved, the whole journal

Adding contacts from the Global Address List (GAL) in Outlook 2016/2013 for Windows

You have two main ways of getting access to and storing contacts. You have access to a Global Address List (GAL) that contains everyone who has a Northwestern email address, and a Personal Address

Understanding the GM044 Sponsored Project Portfolio in Cognos Analytics

allows you to run the report for negative balances only, to monitor deficit spending.   This report is used by PI’s, Department Administrators, and ASRSP to view budget balances by project and

Cognos Resources

The Business Intelligence (BI) System (also known as Cognos), provides Northwestern with accessible and comprehensive reporting and analytics solutions for University schools and business units

Departmental Device

example, you can request to share your printer with everyone in the room or everyone on the floor of your building. Reminder:  Don't use the Device-Northwestern network for your computer, tablet or


GitHub provides hosting for git repositories and other services and tools for software development teams. ... GitHub provides hosting for git repositories and other services and tools for software development teams. Northwestern's GitHub account provides the following benefits for all GitHub organizations


profile and contact information. This information is used by the organization running the competition for questions, requests for additional documentation or notice that you've won the competition. You

NUFinancials Budget Adjustments Transcript

this video series is to show the use of the Budget Journal in NUFinancials. The videos in this series and their objectives are below. 1: NUFinancials Budget Adjustments The objective of the

Workflow Design

Northwestern IT Workflow Services assists University departments with identifying workflow issues or improvements, introducing workflow tools, and providing workflow best practices. ... As University business processes move away from paper-based forms and emailed approvals, there is a growing need for online workflow and document management solutions that fit the disparate needs and

Eduroam CAT Installer for Windows

If you are experiencing issues connecting to eduroam please use the following installer to automatically configure your device to connect to eduroam.   Forget or delete any listed eduroam

SharePoint: How to Add SharePoint folders to OneDrive for Windows or Mac

menu bar, click "Sync" button or the "Add shortcut to OneDrive" (preferred method). Note: It is not possible to sync and create a shortcut to the same content.  You must use one or the other. The

Data Visualization Support

Support for preparing graphics and figures for publication, creating interactive visualizations, or using data visualization techniques to effectively explore data. ... Data visualization specialists from Research Computing and Data Services collaborate with researchers to prepare graphics and figures for publication, create interactive graphics, or use data

Understanding the GL071 Financial Summary Historical Comparison Report in Cognos Analytics

folders. (Note: You may not see all the folders listed as this tied to your security settings) Accounting Services Budget Facilities Sponsored Programs Management Supply Chain