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NUFinancials Transaction Status Definitions
This guide provides a brief description of the various statuses associated with NUFinancials transactions, including Requisitions, Expense Reports, Payment Requests, Journals and Cash Advances
iBuyNU Requester Login
Requesters do not log directly into iBuyNU. To shop in iBuyNU you will need to create a catalog requisition via NUFinancials.
NUFinancials WorkCenter Approvals
, Expense Reports, Payment Requests, Purchase Orders, Portal Journals, and Requisitions.
It provides an alternative access to Approvals via the NUFinancials WorkCenter.
Step 1: Open the
Enterprise Systems Alumni and Financials (ESAF) Systems - Security Guide to Completing the Express Access Form
Voucher entry
Enter Expense Reimbursement requests for others
Create Requisitions in NUFinancials
Convert iBuyNU shopping carts to requisitions
NUFinancials Asset Management View Access Presentation
categories for assets on the Create Requisition
page of Requisitions.
– Select/confirm the correct Account code.
For additional assistance please contact the IT Support Center at 847-491-4357 (1-HELP) or email
Hold PO from Further Processing in NUFinancials
This job aid describes when to use the Hold PO from Further Processing function for non-catalog requisitions.
Hold PO from Further Processing should not to be used to pay an invoice after the
Understanding the SC032 Workflow Metrics Report in Cognos Analytics
The SC032 Workflow Metrics Report reviews the total number of submitted and approved transactions along with the average approval time for expense reports, requisitions, and payment requests
Enter a Receipt for Changed or Rolled Purchase Order in NUFinancials
to remain open.
If a receipt has previously been entered through My Requisitions for a purchase order that has been changed or rolled, new receipts have to be entered by using Add/Update Receipts
NUFinancials Purchasing Glossary
purchase order. For multi line requisitions that contain items from multiple suppliers (which is very common for requisitions that originate from iBuyNU), auto-source splits a single requisition into
NUFinancials Upgrade 2023 - What's New?
Updates to the NUFinancials Homepage
New Shortcut to Recently Visited Pages
New Shortcut to Favorites
Enhanced Global Search – Now you can search by transaction IDs (Requisitions
Cross Referencing Documents to a Purchase Order
shows all documents associated with a purchase order. You can see the requisition ID, receipt numbers, voucher IDs, and payment IDs. Each one of the associated IDs is a link and you can drill down for
NUFinancials Email Notifications
Manage Requisitions.
Match Exceptions
The Purchase Order has Match Exceptions that must be cleared before it can be paid and closed
Cancel Receipts Using Add/Update Receipts in NUFinancials
Receipts can be canceled from Add/Update Receipts or Manage Requisitions.
These steps focus on the Add/Update Receipts page.
Can a receipt that’s been applied via Add/Update also be canceled via
Select a Supervisor for Employees with Multiple Appointments for NUFinancials Expense Reports
Login to NUFinancials:
Expenses tile > Create Expense Report
Enter Business Purpose and Description
Click on the Magnifying Glass in the Expenses Supervisor
Financial Management Systems Getting Started
responsible for reviewing and approving requests for goods and services?
Approval Process: Requisitions
entering receipt confirmations for purchases?
Receiving Overview