Northwestern Print Support

Northwestern Print is a comprehensive print management program across both the Evanston and Chicago campuses for the use of faculty, staff, and students. This service is owned by NU Procurement.


  • Rioch will provide support and manage the Ricoh hardware (multi-functional devices (MFD) and Single-functional devices (SFDs). Ricoh is responsible for the cloud server infrastructure and the management & support services for the Northwestern University print output environment.
  • Local support IT groups will provide the primary support for faculty and staff in their schools, departments, and units. Schools or units whose primary support comes from central IT will continue to receive support in that manner.
  • The University Library will continue to help students with printing at the libraries in Northwestern Print.


Frequently Asked Questions

KB Topics on Northwestern Print

  1. Northwestern Print Overview
  2. Printer Locations
  3. Alternative Printing Options: Email, Mobile, and Web-Based
  4. Installing print drivers
  5. How to install mobility print
  6. Northwestern Print for Windows
  7. Northwestern Print for Mac
  8. Northwestern Print for Mobile Devices
  9. Northwestern Print for Linux
  10. Email to print.
  11. Web printing
  12. Releasing print jobs
  13. Authenticating to Northwestern Print
  14. Secure print release
  15. Touchless Print Release
  16. Supplies and recycling.
  17. Print Strategy for Northwestern Print
  18. Requesting hardware support from Ricoh
  19. Student Printing 
  20. Student requesting refund for printing.
  21. Adding value to my Cat Cash account for printing.
  22. MFD / Print Device Acquisition
  23. Print Device Moves or transfers, Adds, Changes or Disposal (IMACD)
  24. Labels and Special Printing Preparations in Northwestern Print
  25. Release Options
  26. Special print jobs
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